
Ryan Heath

I'm Ryan, a hobbyist photographer who is rather addicted to the craft. I love tech, too... and well-designed things.


A little bit about me... I spend most of my days doing design and engineering work. I'm someone who has always needed a creative outlet — drawing, painting, writing code, designing websites, woodworking, photography, and so on. I love to learn things and I often deep-dive into a topic.

In general, I've got an affinity for expertly crafted, well-designed "objects". So when it comes to photography, that means I only own/use cameras that align with my tastes. Canon, for example, make pro-level gear, but their products are so ugly to me that I could never own one. On the other hand, Leica and Fujifilm check all the boxes in terms of aesthetics, quality, and output. I completely understand that this is silly to some people.

I starting caring about photography a lot in college (year ~2001). I had a small Fujifilm point-and-shoot that went with me everywhere. That eventually grew into DSLRs and an obsessed mindset for learning. Now, here I am. Still learning, still obsessed.

The way photography freezes time reassures that important memories and moments in life aren't necessarily lost after they pass, as long as you have a camera. No one photo is like another, they're all unique, and I truly love that.

Let's end with a few quick facts... My favorite photographer is Ben Horne. I rarely make black & white photos (but enjoy infrared). I have over 50 photobooks and love them all. "Dad has his camera out again" is a common phrase in my household. I might be addicted.